A few lines from William Blane’s poem ‘The Atonement’:
“What means a universal call if there be not enough for all?As if the Saviour passed some by while He for others’ sins did die,And that, though all are told to come, there’s but provision made for some;Or that in some mysterious way God means not what the Scriptures say.Let hampered minds their thoughts expand, nor on such narrow footing stand;The mighty work of Jesus scan – He “tasted death for every man”.He “died for all”, that they who live back to Himself that life should give.He has for “all” atonement made; for all mankind the ransom paid.God loved the world; and when He gave His Son, it was the world to save.And though He knew some would not take of the provision He would make,The foreseen choice of self willed man changed not heaven’s universal plan,As, in the love that moved His heart, all in the atonement had a part…”“O tell the tidings all around, that every soul may hear the sound-The atoning work embraces all who were enveloped in the Fall.To earth’s remotest regions go, and preach to every child of woe,Impartial who or what they be – the rich, the poor, the bond, the free,That Christ on their behalf has died that God with Him is satisfied,And now is ready to forgive – the simple terms, “believe and live”.And he who disregards the news, and doth his day of grace abuse,Shall find the worm that never dies, as in the burning lake his sighsTo all eternity, shall be – “There was provision made for me:I might have been in heaven above, but I despised God’s mighty love.”
(Extracted from ‘The Atonement’, by William Blane)